After a six-year-old drought, a fan of Agoikagos will take a junction with three epic-and-and-extent shows The weekly has learned everything about the television event.
“The keyword here is massive,” Chicago med STAR Steven weberwho plays Dr. Dean Archer, said exclusively we From what will come Wednesday, January 29. “The situation is massive. The amount of actors in all shows is massive.”
He rumored him Chicago med, Agoikago fire AND Chicago pd Uniting and interaction is “funny” and unlike everything they have done in the past.
“It’s not just a few here and maybe two here,” Weber, 63, split. “I mean. It is, here all come and it will be a great event.”
Episode, entitled “In the Trenches”, will start with Agoikago firethat is a difference from the regular formation of One Chicago on Wednesday that usually begins Chicago med. Fire will be followed by ABOUT and then Pd Will end the night.
“When a gas explosion shakes a high rise, Agoikago’s first response comes into force to save hundreds of civilians,” the official login said. “However, it is the calamity below the surface that sends our heroes to a race to save 40 people deeply trapped underground, including two of them.”
While the names of the first two blocked responses have not been confirmed, Weber said we that the presenters “established all their creativity and power to make this intersection”, being bullied, “it was more fun I have ever had.”

Joe miñosowho plays Joe Cruz firefighter in Agoikago fireIt’s just as excited to see what fans think of the Mega event.
“This is not a crucifying night. This is a three-hour movie. This is a movie that happens to have all your favorite characters a chicago in it,” he had to we. “It is so big on the ladder, it’s bigger than everything we’ve ever done. It is extremely impressive.”
Miñoso confessed that he is not sure how the production “managed to withdraw” all three shows by joining quietly.
“It was an extraordinary feat and I’m so proud that … only by distance even knowing these people because it was really amazing what we together,” he added.
Chicago pd INDExES Gwen Sigen exclusively we That the characters of her show will keep the story line moving while the intelligence unit tries to solve who is the blame for the explosion.

“We are much of the engine of the investigation, obviously, and making sure to get these offenders who were part of this criminal incident that occurs in the first episode,” Sigan explained.
She promised “some truly neat couples,” mentioning, “between our show and ABOUT AND Fire Where we usually do not unite our characters for this long time. And so is pleasure. ”
Sigan added: “We will definitely have characters in some difficult situations and then even competition characters against an hour of notes to hope to get all of those situations.”
Looking forward, Sigan said viewers should prepare for a “fun trip”, showing we“I’m proud of that. I think all the shows really gathered as best as we could to do something really attractive and exciting. “
“Really really well,” she added.
A Crucified Chicago event airs on NBC on Wednesday, January 29, starting With the fire of Agoikagos at 8am et. Chicago med transmitted on 9 afternoon et with Chicago pd following in 10 afternoons.