Anthony Mackie did not lose himself while shooting the finals 8 miles rap battle against Em – But he remembered things becoming very personal.
“We’re doing the film and, you know, Eminem is just such a great guy,” recalled Mackie, 46, on Tuesday, March 11, Podcast episode “The Pivot”. “We’re set one day and he’s like,” yo, doesn’t make sense for us to be in mind. “And I was like, ‘right?’ And he’s like, ‘I need something for you.’ “
Mackie portrayed Pope Doc in the 2002 drama, leader of the world’s free rap group, who eventually loses in Eminem’s B-Rabbi in a recent Rap showcase. During the B-rabbit verses, he claims that Pope Doc’s real name is Clarence, he went to a private school and that his parents are still married. According to Mackie, some of the shooting were towards him personally and had nothing to do with his character.
“So we speak, like two hours, cooling down. I go to the casino. The next day, we’re shooting the battle scene, and that’s why I’m staying there, ‘you are talking about me. You’re not talking about Clarence!” Mackie recalled, adding that his character’s faceful facial expressions were.
“You are an A-, Eminem!” He joked. “I am like,” I will fight this mother f ———! “I’m like, ‘Yes my parents are still married!’ “
8 miles Marked both the debuts of Mackie’s feature film and Eminem. Marvel Star opened earlier for film shooting during a 2021 episode of The rich eisen showclaiming that Eminem initially promised that his plays would only include “character items”.
“It was this one day, we were sitting in Set and Eminem comes and he is like ‘what’s up man, I was reading a scenario and there is no reason I don’t like you, you are cute boy, I like you,” Mackie recalled. ” me or the character? ‘ He’s like ‘No, not just a few characters’ items’. I’m like, ‘Yes no problem.’ “
The actor claimed, “so before all 8 miles The last battle, he makes me more googles and learns about me and all the things he essentially likes with me as Pope Doc. “And then I’m like, ‘That’s a little personal Mr. Marshall. … I grew up in a nice house, my parents were good with me, why are you kidding me?'” “
Us Weekly has reached Eminem for comment.
Eight years after his Pope Doc portrayal, Mackie took the role of Tupac shakur In 2009 notorious. Captain America The Star has credited his time in the Juilliarard Drama Division – from which he graduated in 2001 – for his residential skills and skills as an actor.
“The idea of approaching a rapper from an actor’s point of view, you are really just talking in poetry. I always said, one of the greatest rappers (who) ever lived was Shakespeare,” Mackie said during an episode of 2021 Hot ones. “If I didn’t have my training, I wouldn’t be able to play Tupac, Martin Luther King, Pope Doc, Falcon. Training is just something that gives you an extra layer to stand up.”