Road to home Season 3’s final answered fans’ questions about what Colton Landry knew about timely trip – and the basin – but also left us with even more unknown.
Warning: Spoilers below for Season 3, Episode 10 of the Road to Home.
Friday, March 7, the episode began with a reaction of epic size, describing Alice’s (Sadie Laflamme-Snow) The first trip to the pond in 2023. This time, fans saw Alice return in the 90s and meet her grandfather, Colton (Jefferson Brown), for the first time. The moment was shown from Colton’s view – and he recognized Alice from her time traveling in the 1970s.
Elsewhere in the final, del (Andie MacDowell) told her daughter, floor (Chyler Leigh), and the Alice granddaughter that she is ready to jump in the hope of seeing her late husband again.
Elliot (Evan Williams) And the floor, meanwhile, found themselves in a place of turmoil after the two confessed to kiss other people. Elliot kissed his ex-wife earlier this season, while Kat made with her love interest of the 1800s, Thomas (Kris Holden-Red).
Jacob (Macpherson Spencer) was not free from drama as it comes out and caught trying to destroy Goodwins wine to avenge Cyrus Goodwin (My post) for burning Landry farm in the 1800s.
For a complete separation of Road to home The biggest moments of season 3 – and the questions left unanswered – move below:
What did Colton know?
In a first reaction to Alice’s first dance in the 1990s, Colton was seen joining the parts. He remembered his teenage daughter, floor (Alex hook)), finding Alice “in the basin”, and later remembered Alice saying to him, “Just me and my mother, which Alice said to a teenager (Jordan DOWWW) In the 1970s. Colton then took over the views of himself by singing with Alice in the two 1970s and 90s.
When Alice jumped back in the 1990s (to play Mash with Teen Kat and Elliot), Colton followed him in the pond and withstood her to be a traveler of the time. She confirmed his theories, but noted that Alice of the 1970s actually comes after the 1990s Alice.
Alice later jumped in the 2000s after the new Jacob (Remy Smith) disappeared. When she came out of the basin, Colton asked if Jacob entered the pond. He revealed that after seeing the portrait of “Katherine My” at Paul Evelyn’s house in 2000, he realized that he saw his adult daughter in the 1800s when Time traveled and rescued her “brother” – which must mean that Jacob is alive.
Alice eventually confirmed that Jacob returned home, but confessed that Colton would not be alive to see her. Colton then made a more dance again in the 1990s and the beginning of summer before Jacob disappeared to tell him he loves him. In the 2000s, Colton told him he would explain everything. He set out to find the floor – or Rose, as she was pretending to be when she traveled to 2000 – when she got into a car accident.
Landrys finally realize that Colton knew everything about the basin and time of travel and that he even met his granddaughter before he died.
Where do you travel in time?

Road to the house, season 3
Hallmark Media/Peter StranksWhen she finally got diving, she was instructed from the floor in 1975. Alice tried to jump with them, but she split. Del and Kat were transported on the Del wedding day, which they saw to unfold. “Exactly is exactly how I remembered it,” said Del as the fireworks left.
Will it travel floor in another period of time?

Road to the house, season 3
Hallmark Media/Peter StranksAs she watched the wedding of Mom and her father in the 1970s, Kat had a meeting with her grandfather’s Fern (Jill Frappier), who knew about the basin. Fern called it “kitten”, revealing that the floor “always liked the nickname before”. Fern then sang, “65 there they bloom, 65 in 25”, implying that the floor will travel at another time and meet her new grandmother.
Is Casey Alice’s daughter?
CaseyVaughan Murr) appeared several times this season with the hope of giving floor something important. During the final, they met Jacob and confirmed that they were a traveler on time. Alice later faced Casey and said, “I’m your mother and your father of Max Goodwin”, but Casey replied, “No” when Alice asked if Casey was a Landry and a Goodwin, they watched, “I don’t want to violate more rules.”
Who actually owns Lingermore?

Road to the house, season 3
Hallmark Media/Peter StranksCasey gave Jacob a stack of documents, including the will of Susanna, whom Cyrus’s sons hid after her death. The will revealed that Susanna (Watson rose) Leave the wealth of Goodwin, Lingermore, in the Landry family.
Is Jacob arrested?

After entering Winery Goodwin a prior episode, Del revealed that Louis Goodwin (Philip Riccio) wanted to suppress charges against Jacob. The boyfriend of the lawyer del, sam (Stewart), explained that there may be a case after Jacob was caught on the camera.
Jacob eventually left after learning that he came out received threats to him in a series of letters. He wrote a letter to his mother who read, “I do not want to endanger my family, maybe these letters will stop if I disappear.”
What is the Sam’s connection?

Road to the house, season 3
Hallmark Media/Peter StranksWhen Sam called her out after she found Jacob’s letter, she admitted that things are not “okay” because Jacob is “missing”. Sam promised, “It will be okay, it comes out”, before the cameras showed him standing by the basin, implying he may know the secrets of the Landry family.
Are the floor and elliot together again?

After a season with landing and downs, floor and Elliot had a moment of clarity during the final. “I love you, I want to try again,” Kat said. Elliot confessed that he put it on a pedestal that “could not live” and said he still loves it. Before sharing a kiss, the floor apologized to Elliot for “given”. He then showed her the ring of his family, vowing to propose when the time is right.
Where does Alice stand with max?

Road to the house, season 3
Hallmark Media/Peter StranksAlice kissed max (Dale whiblible) During Episode 9 after they tried to avoid her for weeks, fear that she and Max were married in the future and that Casey was their daughter.
The kiss was unexpected, but fans observed Alice and Max to approach their respective links with Evelyn Goodwin (Devin cecchetto) throughout the season. Despite being uncertain whether the kiss was real or something she did because she thought it was meant, Alice and Max end up the season with good conditions.
“Look, last night, kissing – I wouldn’t lie.Alexander ELING). Alice confessed, “Max, I didn’t even hate that kiss.”
Is Elliot’s mother a pond blouse?

Road to the house, season 3
Hallmark Media/Peter StranksViewers have learned very little about Elliot’s mother, who left when she was a child and is suspected to die shortly thereafter. During the final of Season 3, Elliot read a letter from his mother that his father had hidden from him for decades, in which she wrote, “I dance for love.” The message made Elliot believe that she could have entered the pond.
Alice later realized that she met with Elliot’s mother in 1974. Elliot continued to discover that a quotation from Ts Eliot It was inscribed in an hour on the walls of his house – but the clock settled there years before the appreciation was written.
Alice and Kat then revealed that Elliot’s mother could have gone to the basin “with a Landry”. At the end of the episode, Baby Elliot collapsed on the doorstep and Colton after they welcomed their daughter – just as two teens jumped into the pond.
Road to home It was recently renovated for a fourth season on the Hallmark channel.