Kayla nicole Had to take a minute to process really that she passed the selection Special forces.
“From interrogating, they shoot closing scenes and then they take you back to your hotel. I called my family and everyone is excited (which) I did it to the end. But I found myself – I wasn’t kidding – swinging on my bed and I didn’t realize how long I was doing. The weekly. “I looked at my call register and had talked to my family 15 minutes ago. I was just sitting there swinging while the shower was running. slightly traumatized by what happened to me. ‘ But as soon as I got out of this, I made the longest shower I have ever taken in my life.
Fitness influencer and Brody Jenner There were the only two of the 16 recruits who passed military tests in season 3 of the Fox series.
“I told myself that if I did it on the last day, that there was just no chance of going home,” Nicole explained about the 10-day challenge. “There was no concept of time and I just kept saying to myself,” I’ve made it away. “
It then quoted Kim Kardashian BY we: “What did Kim mean? “I didn’t come so far to come so far.” You guys will have to really kill me to send me home. I would not rest at that point. I would have passed a lot. “
As part of the final stage of the show, the recruits have literally feel like they can die. For Nicole, this meant having a brick connected to the ankle – after more than 10 hours by questioning – with the threat of pushing in a body with water if it did not break its cover story and He had to be part of the special forces.
Kayla Nicole.
Pete Dadds / Fox“They prepare you (as if you were) a Navy stamp. They say when you go into interrogation, you want to make sure you are respectful. You want to befriend the people you are questioning. You want t ‘ You do them like you, so you have to throw the ego. “If it is a situation of life and death, this is when you have to give up – anything before, then you will not be able to pass and nothing after. If ‘death’ would happen to you allegedly, then You will fail too, so they will tell you this.
Nicole noted that the hardest part of interrogation on the last day was “not knowing when it would end.”
“I think that kind of travel drives you. You are sitting in the dark for so long. I remember at one point, they brought me out – I think it threw me in the spoon – and I saw the light of day and I was like , ‘Oh, we can almost be with this. Brody was telling me another day he found comfort when he heard me cough in the room when he had his headphones and he was returning because it was like, ‘Oh, Kayla was still here.’ You had no idea who was left. You had no idea what time it was. It was simply a constant, endless process of torture. He was crazy. “
As Nicole and Jenner passed, the remaining finalists Alana Blanchard, Cam Newton AND Golden Failed interrogation.

“People really start to become your security blanket. You look at those people to help you spend. You become a family, ”Nicole said we. “You’re sleeping on the cots next to each other, using the bathroom, showering next to each other. So you really become a really tight knit band in a really short time.”
Nicole said some members of the cast even have a group conversation. “We kept it close. … We watch the shows together practically, so it has been great, ”she said, adding it Christy Carlson Romano is more active in conversation. “She’s really good at all things on social media and she is sending us the ticks she has made of us. She’s great.”
Entering the show, Nicole – which date Travis kelce From 2017 to 2022 – there was little history with Newton. At the show, fans saw her informing Jenner that she once tweets about the comments the NFL player made to women in a podcast. She said we That Twosome laughed at this while filming.
“Cam and I talked about him in the bathroom one day. Many of our conversations happened in that room where we dry clothes because it was warm (and) was freezing (in ulls), so it was like our little center to sit down, ”she said. “We talked about it, it was excited about it and I think he agreed that what that tweet was funny. Cam, women do not belong to the kitchen … He gets very clumsy, but he is such a great guy.”