it’s AND And Bernard They had been married for two years before they called it rest.
The weekly He confirmed in March 2025 that SIA presented to divorce, citing “unconditional differences” as the reason for their separation. The couple’s separation date was listed the day before they submitted.
Documents revealed that she and Bernard share a child, Somersault Wonder, who was born in 2024 (SIA is also a mother to two boys she adopted as adolescents who were aging outside the guardianship system in 2019.)
Court documents rank the date of SIA and Bernard’s wedding as December 2022, despite news of breaking their marriage in May 2023 when they held an intimate ceremony in Italy.
She was previously married Erik Anders Lang From 2024 to 2016. “After much search and consideration of the soul, we have made the decision to be separated as a couple,” the pair said we in a statement at the time. “However, we are committed to the remaining friends. There will be no further comment.”
Years later, Sia showed that her first divorce “really threw me for a loop.” She added during an interview in September 2023 to Apple Music 1 ABOUT Zane Low“That was such a dark time that I was in bed for three years, indeed, really in severe depression. And so I couldn’t do anything for that period of time.”
Go down to see their relationship from the beginning:
December 2021
Sia and Bernard were first tied when walking on the red carpet for the premiere of West story. Bernard’s identity was unknown at the time when he and Sia hid their faces behind the color masks of the face and glasses of the black sun.
October 2022
Sia shared a photo with Bernard through Instagram when attending the Los Angeles football club match. “Pride Forever! She titled a series of photos, including one of her and Bernard in the stadium.
December 2022
SIA divorce documents ranked the date of her wedding and Bernard as December 2022.
May 2023
News broke up in May 2023 that Sia and Bernard exchanged promises in fashion stylists Domenico Dolce AND Stefano GabbanaVilla S in Portofino, Italy. The place was the same place where Kourtney Kardashian AND Travis barker Wed a year ago.
March 2025
we confirmed that SIA presented for divorce from Bernard. At that time, SIA demanded the legal and physical custody of Somersult Wonder but was open to Bernard to receive the rights of the visit.