Selena Gomez I never saw Benny Blanco’s The coming proposal – so much that she almost lost it completely.
The Coupleifi, who was engaged in December 2024, discovered during their appearance on Thursday, March 20 The Tonight Show where Jimmy Fallon interprets That Gomez was so “bored” that she almost spent the Blanco meeting on the day he planned to ask the question.
“We had to make a lot of promotions for the album,” explained Gomez, 32. “So I woke up and I was very confused about what was happening, where we were going, because it seemed very far away. So I’m a little bored. I am, like, tired … I said,” After that shoot, I will go with my friends. “And he starts, I think, ‘well, sure.”
Blanco, 37, recalled his taking over Gomez’s sudden mood after he tried to work what to do next.
“She almost came either. She was like,” I really don’t feel well. I think I will just stay home today. Can’t we just make filming another day? “” He recalled. “And I was like,” uhh … “I’m trying to understand a way to do …”
The manufacturer stressed that there are usually many lies about a girlfriend involved before going down to a knee – something he had difficult at the time.
“First of all, getting married to someone is the craziest thing in the world,” Blanco said. “Likes like, right before you would tell someone you will marry them forever. They’re like,” Tell me how well she can lie to me.

Selena Gomez and Benny Blanco.
(Photo by Monica Schipper/Getty Images)The Coupleifi publicly shared the news of their engagement at the end of the 2024th tail after more than a year of meeting.
“Forever begins now,” Titled Gomez a post on Instagram on December 11, which contained an image that showed her engagement ring.
For his part, Blanco celebrated the story of the relationship by writing in the comments, “Hey wait … this is my wife.”
Since then, the couple have not been shy to share details about their love for each other.
Pairier spoke interview The magazine published on Valentine’s Day last month and retired over each other.
“You know when you think you’ve met the right person, you’re like,” Oh my Lord. “The second we started to stay, I was like,” this is my wife.
Gomez fell in love evenly, adding that it was the one who caught the feelings first.
“It was really simple. We got into the studio to work on a song and we just talked; that was how easy it was for me. I liked it before I liked it,” she said.