Healthy oils. Good fats. Years ago, they were oxymorons. Now we know that natural compounds in some oils and fats-like Omega-3 fatty acids and unsaturated fats-have some health benefits. You may have heard some buzzing about Krill oil, or claims to be superior to fish oil. Here’s what you need to know.
What is Krill oil?
Similar to the fish oil, which is derived from the fish, the crill oil is extracted from the krill, a crustacean-like shrimp. Krill eat a diet of marine plants containing omega-3 fatty acids, such as algae, so they become a source of omega-3s.
“Omega-3 fatty acids can come in a variety of forms, but in general, we are more familiar with EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (Acid Dokosahexaenoic),” says Kasey Hutchinson, RDN, a Montana-based dietitian . “Research shows that krill oil is slightly higher in omega-3 fatty acids (compared to fish oil).”
How many omega-3 do you need per day?
The National Institute of Health (NIH) says that adequate daily intake for omega-3 fatty acids is 1.6 g per day for men and 1.1 g daily for women.
What is better: krill oil or fish oil?
Omega-3 content
Studies have shown that filling your diet with Omega-3 can promote cardiovascular health, shared health and skin health. However, it is very quickly to say whether the crill oil is better than the fish oil in the Omega-3s provision.
Some studies have found that krill oil can increase the level of omega-3 in the blood better than fish oil. Other studies have found no difference between Krill oil and fish oil in this regard.
So what are the main differences between the two?
EPA and DHA in Krill oil are found in phospholipids, which are different structural than omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil that takes the form of triglycerides or ethyl esters. (All three are fat -like substances.) Some studies suggest that phospholipids are superior in the distribution of EPA and DHA. But the data is far from the final, the researchers say.
Krill oil contains astaxanthin, a component similar to antioxidants usually missing in fish oil. This carotenoid (a type of phytonutrient) is what gives salmon its red color, which is why Krill oil capsules are a deep red while fish oil capsules are more colored.
Nutritionists advise to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables to get the benefits of carotenoids (including eye health). But there are no studies showing that Krill Oil directly provides those benefits.
Krill oil is also more expensive than fish oil, partly because of the way it is produced. “Crill oil is more environmentally stable than most fish oil,” says Hutchinson. “This is an important consideration for our current day and age when our sea temperatures are rising, and the oceans are being exerted and contaminated.”
What are the possible side effects of taking Krill oil supplements?
- As with fish oil, you can experience fish -flavored burps while getting krill oil. Some formulations claim to eliminate it.
- Some people can also undergo gastrointestinal disturbances, such as acidic reflux or diarrhea, when they receive fish oil due to its high fat content.
- Krill oil can cause reactions in people who are allergic to shellfish or seafood.
As always, talk to your doctor before you start any new additions.